Sunday, June 30, 2019

John Fred And His Playboy Band - Agnes English

Up And Down 2:25
Judy In Disguise 2:47
Off The Wall 2:00
Out Of Left Field 3:13
She Shot A Hole In My Soul 2:06
Most Unlikely To Succeed 2:17
Agnes English 2:11
When The Lights Go Out 2:01
No Good To Cry 2:36
Sometimes You Just Can't Win 2:57
Sad Story 4:45
AcHenall Riot 2:24

OK, this doesn't really fit into the Blog but I bought Judy In Disguise when it came out and I still think it's a great pop tune and so here it is.


Steve626 said...


No need to apoligize for posting John Fred. Here's an album that's a lot less poppy and much more soul/swampy. If you don't have it, you might enjoy it.

John Fred & His Playboy Band - The Mono Swamp Years @320

Xyros said...

Many thanks Steve626 I'm looking forward to hearing the cd.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Lost my files in a hard drive crash! Nice to have it again!

jd3302 said...

Thank you! I think Judy In Disguise was the first single I bought when I started saving pocket money about 7 years old, so it's great to have this. Bit I missed the Swamp Years post - any chance of a repost?

Xyros said...

@ jd3302, the link is still available.