Saturday, September 22, 2012

Walter Rhodes - Giving You The Blues

An unforgettable and lamentably under-documented bluesman, Walter "Lightnin' Bug" Rhodes (born 1939 in Beaufort, NC), had he lived, would be one of the stars of blues & soul today. A unique and creative talent, he wrote and performed harrowing original songs delivered with a searing guitar technique and passionate vocal style. Starting off in gospel (The Golden Arrows of Far Rockaway Beach, NY), acting as lead guitarist for Wilson Pickett for four years, and later veering into his career - Northern soul, rock, and blues (a handful of now-rare 45s as Little Red Walter, The Blonde Bomber, and Walter Rhodes). also he played guitar with Otis Redding and B.B. King.
Also there is a CD release titled "Now hear this!"



Ansina said...

Never seen this one before, thanks.

Ansina said...

...and I didn't know what I was missing! Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting site. thanks for the music and the education.

Neil Hoskins said...

Just heard a track called "The Crowing Rooster" that features a melodeon. It sounds brilliant but mental: like a combination of delta blues and an English morris dance tune.