Saturday, January 15, 2022

Hayes Ware - Blues Ghetto Woman From Mississippi To Chicago (re-post + upgrade)

A1 Fishing
A2 I Can't Hide My Love
A3 Ride High
A4 Get It Right
A5 Llittle Sally Walker
A6 Ghetto Woman
B1 Searching For Love
B2 Gold Mine
B3 Poor Man
B4 Sound Of The Clock
B5 Blues Rock

Billy Branch: One memorable session that comes to mind was with Hayes Ware. You've heard of Hip Link Chain? For a few years Hayes played bass with Hip but he also played a little guitar. Hayes called me to do this project. The studio was right down the street from Theresa's. This old guy named Grover had a little basement studio. We had no rehearsal and this guy he played very rudimentary guitar but his songs were so original. Every time I play it for anyone, they always want a copy. The actual LP it's called Hayes Ware's Blues He Got A Woman. It is the funkiest sound and man you never heard a tone like I got in that studio. Never. This guy Grover was some kind of recording engineering genius. The tone of the harp is like the best of the tone of Sonny Boy on Chess Records. It's deep. That one was memorable because everything just fit. It was one of those magical moments. There were no rehearsals. Then you listen to it 20 years later and think damn that was some brilliant shit. (found on Youtube)

Doesn't get much funkier and low down than this gem.



Marineband said...

Man, how could I have ever got the chance to hear this?! You know when you hear something for the first time and think 'oh yeah,this is the shit'! well,this is it!!!

Great post bro,you do a great thing on here.
Thank you.

kempen said...

amazing! GREAT! why didn't i know about this great artist?

Bob Mac said...

Oh yes, these are rough low-down unpolished blues, just how I like 'em best. Never heard this LP before so many thanks for posting it.

Xyros said...

I only found out about this Lp recently and gave it a 3 second listen on Youtube and knew I had to have it. Thankfully I had just sold all of my rock/pop lp's at a record fair and had plenty of cash to spend.
Why it's never been re-released is something I can't understand.
Hayes also plays bass on several LP's/tracks, see

Gerard Herzhaft said...

I bought this LP sometimes in Chicago during the early 80's I'd guess. I've featured what I thought the best tracks from it on my blog:

marc(fr) said...

Thanks for this fine LP , i knew i heard some of it before ( 4 tracks from this Lp are on the very first "Chicago - The Blues Yesterday" series on Gérard's excellent blog . (posted august 2012 ) Great to have the complete LP now !

Anonymous said...

great find thnks!

imnokid said...

This was fanTAStic! Thanx a bunch.

Unknown said...

I can't believe how good this album is. It's been in heavy rotation since I found it here. His "read, just go" opening is one of the best ever, especially when the music kicks in.
I tried to find out a bit more about Mr Ware. Unfortunately as he has his address on the record sleeve. Unfortunately, it looks like his home now is a vacant parking lot in Chicago.

goinsidemyhead said...

it's got that live jamming in the studio vibe, loud and hard which is like the perfect storm for blues...every scrambling blues band wants to sound like this... brings to mind the old blues dudes over at Fat Possum..respect.

Maple Blues said...

thnks so much for reloading this one

Steve626 said...


Thanks a lot for reposting this - I can't imagine why I didn't grab this sooner - it is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance of a reup on this album? Thank you.

pmac said...

Missed this one before, but not now. Many thanks, Xyros!

snakeboy said...

Thanks for posting this rarity.

soulpapa said...

New to me and amazing! Mucho thanks for this great LP!